Friday, February 2, 2007

Last Question

And here's Asimov's The Last Question.


Heard about this great short story by Terry Bison about meat?


Taken from Here.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ender's Game, The Movie

    I just finished reading the opening part of Ender's Game's script. (Whew, I don't know how many grammar rules I broke in writing the previous sentence.) The script read great for me, I particularly enjoyed reading about Rackham's victory.
    I remember when I first read the book when I was in high school. I devoured the book overnight, finishing in the wee hours of the morning. The book was straightforward and never dull. It also reminded me a bit of what I wanted to be: a kid genius. Living in a very competitive high school with underachieving tendencies almost got me flunked out but reading that story made me feel a little better, though I don't know why.
    Come on, Hollywood! Finish the movie! It's been years!
    Wow, this is the longest post I've ever made.

    Credit for the link goes to necramirez.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Awesome photos

Here's the link.

Ugly, gross, and disgusting

I hope you haven't had lunch yet.

Homemade gifts

This guy is a riot. He thinks up some crazy gift stuff. I especially love the new ending part.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Look closer. Those of you who can understand Tagalog might understand this.

My new frigging glasses!

Damnit! My new lenses are screwing up how my glasses fit on my face. I try to bend it a little bit here and there but it just keeps making my face screwy! Arrgh.

Idiot woman tries to blame Squirrelmail developer for her ISP problems