Monday, December 15, 2008


I got it from here.

At first I'm wary of using this page because I didn't understand how it worked. I thought it would upload to a database somewhere but when I tried it out I found that it just overwrote itself. It's Javascript based. Or something. Anyway. It has revolutionized how I keep notes. I've been using it for 4 days since I read about it in reddit. It's beautiful. I can create daily journals and edit the menu to display quick items for ToDo lists or pending research items or even just copy paste stuff from emails. I tried using the Windows Calendar for keeping track of stuff but I didn't like the interface. I tried using ToDoList by AbstractSpoon but now I just use that for keeping track of work. With the GTD flavor of TiddlyWiki I add stuff, links, images or whatever for what I'm supposed to be doing. For a person who can't remember to finish a can of Coke I am really enjoying this Wiki.

By the way, I tried adding the checkbox addon but couldn't figure out how to work it. No matter. It's still awesome.

I you want to try it out for yourself open and save the page on your machine. Open the saved htm file in a compatible web browser and voila! Awesomeness at your fingertips. You may have to customize a lot but it's worth it.

There's an option for uploading the data you create using the page somewhere but I haven't tried it.

EDIT: After a month of writing journal entries and exercise tracking stuff I'm still enjoying TiddlyWiki. Eric pointed out how to work with the checkbox plugin but I guess the real problem I had with installing it was that I never got the confirmation message that the plugin was indeed installed. I was just digging through the various tiddlers when I noticed the Plugin Checkbox tiddler. WTF. I didn't even noticed I ever installed it properly. I might have also parsed Eric's comment wrongly (or misread) when he said to create a checkbox all you have to do is type [(space)]. Or maybe I just spaced out. The internet does that to me sometimes. XD.

Again. I can't remember installing this plugin properly. I don't touch drugs. Or alcohol.

Thanks, Eric!

EDIT: Aww. Checkbox thingy doesn't work on Chrome. Works on Firefox, though.
EDIT: Stupid. I edited the Checkbox Plugin Tiddler by adding [ ] and [X] at the beginning to test for it. It stopped working after a browser restart. Anyway, it works on Chrome. Woot!


  1. Haha! TiddlyWiki is old! :p But better late than never! :D

  2. Hiya, it's Eric from the blog post you link to (thanks :).

    Make sure you installed the plugin correctly by verifying that your CheckboxPlugin tiddler has the same name, content AND tags.

    To make an empty checkbox, type [(space)]. Hope that solves your problems. If not, email me :)
